Personal Projects
Jan 2025 - GitInsight
A web app that analyzes your GitHub activity, offering quick summaries and AI-driven insights to help you reflect as a developer. Personalized feedback with brutally honest roasting.
Apr 2022 - LatePayCatcher
A full-stack invoice manager that helps B2B finance professionals manage invoices, analyze data, and predict payment timelines using machine learning. It enhances cash flow management with data-driven insights.
Oct 2021 - COVID-19 Sentiment Dashboard
A dashboard visualizing Indian public sentiment during Covid-19 using 7 million tweets, VADER analysis, and reverse-geocoding. It offers insights into regional emotional trends during the pandemic.
Sep 2021 - GeekFinder
A team-built content-based recommender system that connects college students with similar learning paths using data from a 150+ person survey. It fosters collaboration by matching peers based on shared academic interests.